Saturday, April 6, 2013

Easter Dinner

We had a magnificent Easter Dinner, with our usual crowd of friends, who are our "family" in Washington.  We even had an esteemed hermit join us for dinner, making it all the more special.  I forgot to turn the ham on and then forgot to get the dessert going in the crock pot, and everyone forgot to tell some of our guests our official start time, and they were the guests bringing the drinks.  So we all sat around pining for a soda until they arrived sodas and ice in hand.  Schnitzel exhausted himself barking at every new arrival, but he sure loved J. C. !...It was just so fun, I loved it.


  1. The dinner looks wonderful, and your preparation issues sound a lot like mine. I always forget at least one thing, and usually more.

    My mom had those dishes when I was little, and I loved them.

    1. I really love them as well, I wish mine were inherited, they are just 2nd hand store finds...

  2. A most special Easter. The food and presentation was perfect. Everyone was lovingly gracious including Frosty and Schnitzel.
