Tuesday, May 14, 2013

My First Trifle!

I got this lovely trifle bowl from my sister Francie, for Christmas.  I have never made a trifle, but I had my first opportunity for a First Holy Communion 2 weeks ago.  It was the perfect thing to bring, since it was about 85 degrees out, and this was such a cool and refreshing dish.  It was so pretty I kind of didn't want anyone to dig into it, then I started getting paranoid because NO ONE was digging into it.  It is a bad feeling to leave a party with all of the food you brought, because people didn't want to eat it.  Finally, I begged a friend to please take a serving of it, to make it look desirable, and then, before I could have some, it was gone!..so, crisis averted.  I am so odd, that I equate people liking my food, to people liking me, perhaps someone should study me.  Food crisis aside, it was a beautiful Mass, with 40 communicants (or as the priest kept saying, Dominicans ?).  The First Communion finery always makes me smile.

1 comment:

  1. I totally relate to both emotions here. I would be hesitant to take the first bit of trifle, because I wouldn't want to defile its beauty. And I too get wrapped up in folk's response to food I make. This makes cooking for the Aunties a horrible chore and frustration. They both only want only toddler food. If they haven't been eating it since the age of three, they don't like it. Grrrrr! Booooring!
