Thursday, August 6, 2015

On To Nicaragua

Jack left late last night for his mission trip to Nicaragua, with the church youth group.  There was such a kerfuffle at the airport, that I didn't even get a picture of Jack before he just walked off with the group, I barely got a kiss, and I had to give him a kiss from dad too, so I will have to use an old picture of him, (and no he didn't take any grenades in his carry-on.) The group arrived with 17 plastic bins, packed with goodies for the kids at the orphanage, as well as everyone's toiletries, each weighing approximately 50 lbs.  When we arrived at the airport, we were advised that there was a last minute plastic bin embargo, and they could not check them onto the plane.  The few parents there who were not actually going on the trip, were going to have to pack these bins home in our cars!  I, in my usual unhelpful state, just stood back and let the dads offer up their cars first, I couldn't figure out how I was going to get these bins to my car all by myself, so I wimped out.  I did offer to 'guard' them as everyone else was running around, getting cars and rolly carts and whatnot.  They ended up being able to pack the toiletries into some luggage, which made all the panicking girls on the trip calm down.  So, I just had to take the empty bins to my car, but they were heavier than one might think. Thus was "Bin-gate" resolved.

1 comment:

  1. I will be thinking about adorable Jack while he is gone. It looked like a wonderful group,
