Sunday, June 30, 2013


              That's right, 117 degrees. Thankfully we were up in Sedona at Slide Rock, where it was only about 110 degrees, and of course the water is about 10 below freezing.  I didn't do any sliding, I basically just watched all of our things and got roasted while everyone else was running around, jumping off too high cliffs and whatnot.  There were 15 in our group, just family, so there was a lot of stuff to watch.  The people watching was unparalleled, and of course the place lived up to its name, with people slipping and falling down all over the place.  It was such a fun day, especially since we had so much family with us. 


  1. It was 91 here today and I bet we collectively complained more than the entire state of Arizona.

  2. I have to agree with the above. The weather here is utterly hideous. All I did for the entire day was whine. Oh - and take frequent cold showers.
