Thursday, May 22, 2014

A Childhood Treasure Rediscovered-Green Dolphin Street

When I was a young reader, I was not a reader of great literature, and I was not a very enthusiastic reader, unless it was a "Little House" book.  I could read those over and over when I was an adolescent.  My sister who was older than I, was reading romance novels and the like, for which I had great disdain.  But for some reason, her reading material seemed to make her so mature and learned in my eyes.  The few blogs I follow are written by, apparently voracious readers, who seem so very erudite and well read. Which makes me want to NEVER talk about the books that I am reading.  The first "real" book (to my mind) that I read was recommended by my sister, who loved it and read it again and again.  Sometime in grammar school I decided to tackle this tome, and after several determined attempts, I finished it, and it became "that book".  The book from ones youth that set you firmly on the path of being a true reader.  I loved that book, and it became the one that read again and again. The book became a ragged mess from both of us re-reading it on occasion, and I think it was eventually thrown out.  I had completely forgotten about this magnificent obsession, until I was in a St. Vinnies and found a hard copy of this beloved book, in the half off section, if you can even imagine!  It hadn't even occurred to me that it came in hard back at some point.  I thought "what a wonderful and surprising gift this would make for Emily", full of great memories of the short time we lived together before she moved out to be all grown up.  Of course, I must re-read this wonderful book before I pass it on to my dear sister.  I am again enthralled by the magnificent Marguerite, and the appalling Marianne, by all the references to my wonderful faith, and all the french phrases spread throughout the story. I am beginning to suspect that I do not want to pass it on to Emily!!, I want to keep it for my greedy self.  My dear sister and her husband are due to visit next week for Jack's confirmation, and I will have to either finish the book quickly, (no savoring), and pass it on to her as a great gift, or I will have to hide it and pretend that I never found it!  You must be thinking what a wonderful sister I am.  I might have to see if I can find another copy on Amazon.  And now I have to go spend time on Green Dolphin Street.

The best part is the dedication.


  1. OMG! That was one of my favorites in high school - so full of passion, and heroic self-denial! I have recently considered rereading it, but I worry that it won't be as wonderful as it was then. Plus, I wasn't lucky enough to find one at St. V's. Another "Green" novel was Green Darkness. That was a real page turner too - one was a tiny bit ashamed to be reading in, but it was not possible to put it down. I have read it several times and so have my two decendents. We all love it.

  2. I must add this one to my list!
