Here is the sequence of events. At the aforementioned thanksgiving dinner, there was much consumption, and consequent lying on the couch moaning about never eating again. Then, of course, the scrounging around for leftovers, a few hours later, followed by frantic leftover eating the next morning, leaving one boy, who gets up at the crack of noon, to lament that he lives "with cannibals" upon discovering the absence of said leftovers. Thus began the campaign to have Thanksgiving again, immediately please. And so, I cooked all the side dishes again, thankful that we still had enough turkey, and forgetting the corn AGAIN. Our usual sunday tradition of fending for ourselves, turned into another great feast, in a much less fancy setting, and we have leftovers once again! All is well.
My family has a long held tradition of leaving the corn in the microwave oven until, during the cleanup, we find it, and are again amazed that this could have happened. Again.