Saturday, August 30, 2014


I don't know if Frosty is jealous of all the attention that Schnitzel has been getting with his various health issues, or what, but he has been very, very, under the weather.  Anything that Frosty eats, feels compelled to exit him, at extreme velocity, from whichever end is closest.  The downstairs is 90% hardwood, but if Frosty feels the need, he must, must, be on the carpet.  He doesn't even bother ringing the bell to go out.  We have been taking turns sleeping downstairs to help him get outside, when the need hits him in the middle of the night.  The result is that everyone in the house is cranky.  The vet is cranky as well, because Frosty spent the whole visit, trying to bite everyone's hands off.  I am going to need a sick day after this.


  1. The poor little fellow! I trust that Schnitzel is improving.
    It was so nice to see all of you at church today. Your hair looks great!

  2. Schnitzel is indeed better, thank goodness. I missed you at church today, thanks for the hair compliment!
