Saturday, August 9, 2014

In The Box

Schnitzel has been acting very sick. So far the theories have been: rat poison (don't ask), pancreatitis, a bad tooth and a slipped disc.  After blood work which was normal, the vet settled on a slipped disc, since his X-rays "possibly" looked bad.  So he is confined to his box for a week, he isn't supposed to even be WALKING...I don't know how we are supposed to accomplish that! He is so sad, I think he thinks he is being punished...poor baby


  1. Poor little Schnitzel! I hope he will be wreaking havoc again soon.

  2. I am so relieved to hear that he is relatively okay. Can he sit on laps and be petted? The poor little tad!

  3. We are trying to love on him of course, but they were so adamant about him not even moving around!!, so mean. Frosty keeps trying to play with him and then getting yelled at..
