Merry Christmas to everyone, especially my partner in crime! I don't think I could have found someone smaller to stand next to. I wanted to post pictures of our lovely dinner, but it disappeared at a spectacular rate. The twins tried ale out of their new horn mugs, acting like they were in Game of Thrones. After a few sips, they decided Coke was a better drink for a King.
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
It's Like Eighth Grade All Over Again
I have tried sewing again, after a 40 year hiatus. The last thing I actually made by sewing was a pair of hideous overalls. All I remember is the teacher yelling at me quite frequently. Although, to be fair, I think I was what is now called, a "challenging" student. I got a sewing machine from Santa three years ago, and have barely touched it since then. I found a "simple sewing project" on Pinterest, and decided to give it a go. I was almost immediately thwarted by my apparent inability to refill a bobbin, but in the end I won! I cannot sew a straight line, my seams look like the seamstress was perhaps drunk, and I couldn't control my speed. I was either sewing so fast that I couldn't pull the pins, or so slow that I thought it would never end. But I actually finished these cute dish towels, they are supposed to have a cute little tabby on the back so that you could hang them on a hook, but I managed to sew the tabby thing INSIDE the towel, between the two layers. So no hanging these towels up I guess. I was surprised at how much cursing is involved in sewing, I don't remember that part. I am kind of proud of them and I want to make some more, I am going to try to put the tab on the outside, for a change.
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Thanksgiving Redux
Here is the sequence of events. At the aforementioned thanksgiving dinner, there was much consumption, and consequent lying on the couch moaning about never eating again. Then, of course, the scrounging around for leftovers, a few hours later, followed by frantic leftover eating the next morning, leaving one boy, who gets up at the crack of noon, to lament that he lives "with cannibals" upon discovering the absence of said leftovers. Thus began the campaign to have Thanksgiving again, immediately please. And so, I cooked all the side dishes again, thankful that we still had enough turkey, and forgetting the corn AGAIN. Our usual sunday tradition of fending for ourselves, turned into another great feast, in a much less fancy setting, and we have leftovers once again! All is well.
Friday, November 27, 2015
We had Gramma, Grampa and my nephew Aaron for Thanksgiving, and apparently all we could think to document, was the food. It was delicious and fun and we have very little leftover for all the men who said they were never eating again, but who are now scavenging in the fridge. There are now requests being bandied about, that I should do the meal over again. I haven't even finished washing the dishes from last night. I am thankful for my always eating boys, and all the rest of my family, near and far.
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Dawn At Rattlesnake Lake
Isaac, Andrew and some friends hiked Rattlesnake Lake today. They wanted to get there to see the sunrise. It was very cold and the lake was empty, but it still looks pretty.
Monday, November 9, 2015
Andrew got his admission letter "with distinction", we are so proud of him. Now he is all in a flap about getting the "good" dorm. I wish that was all that dad and I were in a flap about.
A Dinner Party
We had a wonderful dinner with two esteemed choristers and one very esteemed seamstress/EM, friends all. I so wanted to capture the food and friends, but I was so busy chitty chatting that it never occurred to me to take a few pictures, as per usual. They brought this beautiful bouquet, and so this is all I have to post. This is beginning to look like my friends are imaginary.
Friday, October 30, 2015
Now I Have Five Boys!
We hosted two Pequenos from NPH Nicaragua for six days. They didn't get to spend much time with us, as they work quite while hard while on tour, but I got to pretend what it would be like having five boys. It was great! A lot more laundry of course, and there seemed to be some sort of flatulence contest going on one night, I guess boys the world over are more alike than we think.
Friday, October 23, 2015
Too Close For Comfort Or Exit
I was at church for a meeting, and arrived absurdly early, which is my M.O., thankfully I always have something to read in the car. So I am peacefully reading when an O'Dea golf team bus arrives, and the coach parks even worse than I normally do. I was trapped in my car, I couldn't get my door open enough to get out. When I drove the Queen Mary, I could climb over the console with relative ease, it is considerably harder in this little lunchbox of a car. I had to pretzel myself up to get out the passenger door, I was all the way over in the passenger seat, but my left leg was still over in the drivers seat well. There were more contortions, and a few bowling words, but I managed to crawl out of the car. Crawling back in the car from the passenger side was equally enjoyable. Afterwards I realized that I could have just re-parked in a more amenable space, and saved myself the entire spectacle.
Sunday, October 18, 2015
The Man Bun
Liam's attempt at a man bun, came out more like a palm tree. Liam is already three months old!
Logan's is a true man bun, he is such a hipster, and he is already six months old. They are already buddies.

Thursday, October 15, 2015
Fun In Tucson
Fun at the mall with many of the nieces, and of course, the new nephews! And my wonderful sisters too.
Monday, September 28, 2015
New Addition
We have traded in the Queen Mary on something slightly smaller. Now instead if bemoaning who HAS to drive mom's car, now there is fighting over who GETS to drive mom's car. We haven't named it yet but I am leaning towards Cassandra in honor of my new favorite author, D. E. Stevenson.
Thursday, August 27, 2015
First Day Of School
It's the first day of the new school year, and Dad's birthday. It was odd to just watch them drive off, like grownups, instead of driving them myself. The twins last year of high school, I am quite melancholy. Almost every first day of school picture is from this view, the boys squinting into the sun, with backpacks piled all around. Isaac has to figure out how to hide his new, large, tattoo.
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Mi Pequeno Hijo Returns
Jack and the St. James Youth Group returned from Nicaragua either late last night or very early this morning, depending on your point of view. They all looked a tad bedraggled after the long day of traveling, but everyone was in very high spirits, quite full of joy after their trip. Jack cannot stop talking about the wonderful children at the NPH orphanage, and what a special time he had with them. They even signed his cane. We are so glad he is home.
The Age Of Consent
The twins turned 18, on the same day that Jack returned from Nicaragua. The twins celebrated by purchasing and smoking cigars with their friends, eating pizza and playing "fugitive", kind of a big kids version of Hide N Seek, that involves cars too (yikes). It is rumored that "some" people got sick from the cigars. I tried two puffs and then couldn't stop tasting it for hours, yuck. Everyone had a great time, except for the sick ones of course. And now the adults in the house, out number the children.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Jack is having a magnificent time in Nicaragua, based on reports on the parish website and from our Skype session. Apparently the pequenos love his cane, and him too. When we skyped I didn't get in the camera, so I don't think he knows I was there…darn. In one picture it looks as if he got a monster sunburn on his shoulders, all my advice to take sunscreen went unheeded of course.
I went to a jewelry and accessory party that was the coolest thing ever. Every thing is handmade by mostly women artisans from 13 different developing countries. I don't even wear jewelry and I bought something. It was so cool to hear their stories and to see how their lives have been positively impacted. Some of the stuff is even made from spent ammo that they dig up in their farms, leftover from various conflicts.
Thursday, August 6, 2015
On To Nicaragua
Jack left late last night for his mission trip to Nicaragua, with the church youth group. There was such a kerfuffle at the airport, that I didn't even get a picture of Jack before he just walked off with the group, I barely got a kiss, and I had to give him a kiss from dad too, so I will have to use an old picture of him, (and no he didn't take any grenades in his carry-on.) The group arrived with 17 plastic bins, packed with goodies for the kids at the orphanage, as well as everyone's toiletries, each weighing approximately 50 lbs. When we arrived at the airport, we were advised that there was a last minute plastic bin embargo, and they could not check them onto the plane. The few parents there who were not actually going on the trip, were going to have to pack these bins home in our cars! I, in my usual unhelpful state, just stood back and let the dads offer up their cars first, I couldn't figure out how I was going to get these bins to my car all by myself, so I wimped out. I did offer to 'guard' them as everyone else was running around, getting cars and rolly carts and whatnot. They ended up being able to pack the toiletries into some luggage, which made all the panicking girls on the trip calm down. So, I just had to take the empty bins to my car, but they were heavier than one might think. Thus was "Bin-gate" resolved.
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Disaster Strikes
Well disaster is probably too strong of a word, and it didn't really strike, so much as, sneak. Apparently we have had a small, tiny even, leak in our plumbing. We didn't notice this until the paint bubbled up. So we have had the wall ripped out, the plumbing repaired, and now we have these huge dryer/dehumidifiers running constantly. They are so loud you can't even have a conversation, and you have to have the TV on "Gramma Volume." Things like this lie in wait until Ted goes out of town. Two weeks ago he was in England, the car broke down and the garage door spring exploded. Sometimes I wish we were renters.
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Searching For A College
Ted and Isaac took a little road trip to California to look at some colleges for Isaac. USC was the hugest and most crowded as they were hosting the world Special Olympics, Columbia College Hollywood was the most promising, and LMU, as evidenced, was the prettiest by far. I wish that he could somehow go to a great college while also simultaneously NOT moving away, ever.
Monday, July 27, 2015
Best Birthday Gift Ever!
One of the items on Jack's birthday wish list was a small country to rule. So Dad worked all day on building a small country, so that Jack can rule with an iron fist. Welcome to Jackistan, where corn grows and dinosaurs have been domesticated, except the one caught in the tar pit.
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Jack Jack Attack Is 17

Jack spent his birthday doing a service project at the Christian Brothers residence, where he was gifted with a cane to use in Nicaragua. Then he came home to his requested meal. Bang Bang Chicken and a coconut cream pie. Dad missed all the festivities as he is in Manhattan for work.
Sunday, July 12, 2015
A Short Camino
Ted and I took a short camino after church, mostly to try Hot Mama's Pizza on Capitol Hill. We even ran into the official caminoers briefly. Here Ted is peering into the windows of the Dearborn House.
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Sir Schnitzel On His Throne
Even on the couch, Schnitzel has to be on a pillow as well, and it takes him many minutes to scrunch around and stomp and turn, until it is just right for lying down. Tonight he chose to lie down right in front of my book, it looked like he was reading it. Maybe he will have an easier time slogging through it than I.
Monday, June 29, 2015
The Quinceanera
Jack was one of a large court for a quinceanera. He was the most handsome one of course. It was a day long affair, and he did well in spite of his injury, which has turned out to be worse than originally thought. It was SO hot, and I offered Ted to take pictures, so he ended up melting in the sun, taking endless variations of family group pictures. He was such a good sport about it all, and it was a good deed for sure. We rewarded ourselves with a trip to George's deli. I was jealous because he was getting all those good fitbit steps while taking pictures. I will have to run around the living room later.
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
An Evening Stroll
Ted and I are in a fitbit fight, trying to outdo each other with number of steps. Also I am in training for the Cathedral Camino. However we were both distracted by the scenery on Lea Hill. How does he not crash?
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Football Fumble
Jack tore his LCL at football practice. He has mastered the stairs on crutches, but not the steep streets by school. At least now he gets to use the elevator for school.
Many Cupcakes
I made 250 mini cupcakes for the graduation reception at Holy Family, on what felt like the hottest day of the year.
Thursday, June 4, 2015
National Honor Society
Jack is a new inductee into NHS. The twins are in for their second year. Andrew couldn't attend the ceremony but Isaac and Jack made a good showing, and no one noticed Isaac's ponytail (I hope)
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Banh Mi Thit
I probably spelled all of that wrong. Dad made dinner for us last night, including pate for the sandwiches, and pickling the veggies...yumm!
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