I survived serving Midnight Mass and the 10 am mass, by staying in a hotel a mere one block from the Cathedral. I got more sleep, and was in the very lap of luxury and still I'm trashed. And some much more dedicated ministers, like choir members, served at even more masses..and I bet they are not nearly as complainey as I!
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Friday, December 19, 2014
A Sweater For Schnitzel
It has been cold and Schnitzel is kind of bald, so I thought I would get him a sweater. I have never been one of those people who put clothes on their dogs, but there is a first time for everything. Well he HATES it. He becomes frozen and will not move when he is wearing it. So much for a fashionable dog.
Christmas Baking
I am again attempting some baking, to give as little gifts. I think I was too cavalier with this batter and obviously put these too close together... Then they didn't set up and I had to throw them out. Hhmph.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
My brother and I took a trip down memory lane when he was here. We looked at old pictures, letters, telegrams, bibles, etc. It was so sad that we didn't know many of the people in the pictures, or we had differing opinions of who they might have been. My boys immediately pegged this picture as me, I don't know how they figured that out, its fifty years old! Clearly, even then, I was a ham.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
An Evening Out
Tom and Shelle took Ted and I out for a magnificent dinner at Place Pigalle. I have always wanted to go there, but I usually just suggest it to others, this time it was my turn! I had pate, Salad Nicoise, and a taste of escargot. I don't even know what my companions were eating, I was so engrossed in my own gastronomic adventure. What a lovely date night, and how nice of my brother. The men even went to get the car while we waited, freezing. I don't think I could have made it up the hill after that meal.
The Museum Of Flight
We took everyone to the Museum of Flight, on the rainiest day I have seen in ages. I have never been there, it was so cool. I want to go back when we don't have a cranky, hungry toddler with us, although it was so fun hearing him say "wow" every time he looked up.
Snow Day
Three generations of Brown boys.
Top Chef Seattle
Shelle wins the colored hair portion of the competition. She made many wonderful dishes for us during her visit. While everyone was here, my garbage disposal went on sabbatical, resulting in a flood under my sink. Then Thanksgiving night, while we were all in a food coma, someone smashed in my car window. My guests had to drive around in a car that had Batman duct tape over the window hole. So classy.
Tanner man was quite enthralled by train videos. Also anything involving dump trucks...I miss having a little boy!
A Thanksgiving Visit
We had some of my family (7!) visit in dribs and drabs for 11 days over Thanksgiving. Starting with my purple haired sister in law, which she colored in support of TCU. Then my nephew's family and finally my brother. My brother who is infamous for riding his bike over a cliff two years ago, while living in China. I made him come to mass at St. James, so he could meet the many people who prayed for his recovery. At mass, Shelle was asked if her hair was colored for Advent!, which would be cool.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Another Trip To Canada
Andrew and Jack got some new ink. Jack's is in honor of our dear Mairead, and Andrew's is in honor of Seattle I suppose.
Monday, October 27, 2014
Another Homecoming
Jack went to HNA's homecoming. We had to purchase all the accoutrements for him, as he had only dress shoes, but nothing else. He borrowed Dad's Paris tie, that had little bears on it, which his date thought was so cute. He looks so grown up, and kind of like a reverend! When the dance was over they went back to her house to bake cookies for youth group the next day. A very fun, but blustery, night.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Mom Cooks
Tonight we tried Pasta Primavera, for our vegetarian son. It was actually quite good but the other carnivore boys were raiding the kitchen only a few hours later. I don't think it was filling enough for those always hungry beasts.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Dad Cooks
Dad made Shakshuka tonight for dinner, delicious and hearty, especially when eaten with naan.
I think he should cook EVERY night.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
A New Bed
Schnitzel got a new bed, that he will only use if it is on the couch, spoiled baby. I think Frosty is jealous, but he won't actually get into it.
Trying Something New
One of the boys to men is experimenting with vegetarianism, trying it for thirty days. Since I am basically anti-vegetarian, this poses quite a dilemma for me as the primary cook in the house. We are on day four and I am out of ideas. I wish pasta was a vegetable.
Sunday, September 28, 2014
I Am Older Still
My friend Margie took me out for my birthday, and these were our pop cans!, how appropriate. We were at the tiniest Mexican restaurant ever and it was so delicious, made more so by the company. My birthday is also the anniversary of my being commissioned as an EM, which is way cooler to celebrate.
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Windows Blown
This is what I find every time I go to drive one of our cars after a teen boy has driven. The stereo bass is pegged,so when I blast my music, I get blown away by the bass, windows shaking and everything.
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Beauty Parlor Again
Schnitzel's groomer/breeder actually called me today, to mention that it had been a very long time since Schnitzel had been groomed. He was looking so cute and scruffy. I hate taking him to the groomer; he gets all nervous and vibratey, and cries when I leave. That is why I put it off for so long. When I went to pick him up, he ran up to me and I did not recognize him! They balded him. The groomer said he had looked like some dog that had been rescued when I dropped him off, which was a little harsh. So now he looks like a real Schnauzer, but not like my Schnitzel. Ted feels that now he will look presentable to our esteemed guests who will be dining with us this week. I say, they would have liked him much better, all scruffy. We will have to wait for their opinion, although I suspect they are more cat people than dog people. The groomer made me promise that I would bring him in more often. But now that they have balded him, I am even more reluctant.
Trifle Trouble
I am attempting to make a fruit trifle, in little jars, to take to my friends at church tomorrow. Once again I am experimenting on those whom I love. It was kind of hard to smoosh all the ingredients into a little jar, but I hope that does not affect the taste. While I was slaving away on this endeavor, Isaac was bemoaning his belief that I only do these desserts for others, and never for the family, him in particular. He said how much he LOVED a fruit trifle, and how I NEVER make them for the family. I posited that he only loves the pastry cream in the trifle, and not the entire trifle, but he disputed this. Then he said that when he finally picks his birthday dinner, he will pick a trifle for his dessert.
I ended up making way too much of the different parts that go into it, so I made a normal sized one for the family from leftover ingredients. Then I had the gall to say that this could count as his birthday trifle. After much wailing and gnashing of teeth, he stated, unequivocally, that an "incidental" trifle was not going to count as his birthday trifle, and he is still going to request it for his birthday dinner….
I cannot believe how much ado there has been about this trifle today.
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Thanksgiving in September
This is what happens when your freezer goes kaput, and you have to eat everything in it. Thanksgiving in September, and grateful guests! What also happens, is that you have to give away gallons and gallons of frozen milk, which means grateful neighbors. A lovely fake Thanksgiving, the boys were thrilled that we had to eat the turkey.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
School Days
Saturday, August 30, 2014
I don't know if Frosty is jealous of all the attention that Schnitzel has been getting with his various health issues, or what, but he has been very, very, under the weather. Anything that Frosty eats, feels compelled to exit him, at extreme velocity, from whichever end is closest. The downstairs is 90% hardwood, but if Frosty feels the need, he must, must, be on the carpet. He doesn't even bother ringing the bell to go out. We have been taking turns sleeping downstairs to help him get outside, when the need hits him in the middle of the night. The result is that everyone in the house is cranky. The vet is cranky as well, because Frosty spent the whole visit, trying to bite everyone's hands off. I am going to need a sick day after this.
Dad's Birthday
Another birthday celebration. Dad wanted Spaghetti Carbonara, and then I surprised him with this berry cobbler. I am putting together a book of family recipes for a niece who is getting married shortly, and one of the submitted recipes, from my sister, was for this beautiful cobbler. I guess you can use any kind of fruit, it is supposed to be delicious with peaches. Again, I don't like berries so much, so I didn't partake, but it got many rave reviews, and then it was finished off for breakfast the next day. I wanted a picture of the carbonara, but by the time I got to the table, grace was said and the food was gone. I am going to have to start moving a lot faster if I want to take pictures of food around these guys. Happy Birthday Dad!
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Tending The Afflicted?
I rushed to Arizona last week to help my sisters with my mom,who had taken a tumble out of bed, and was in the hospital. So how is that I am enjoying a night out at Lo Lo's? Well mom has had some sort of miraculous healing, and is
home again, and doing quite well. So we had to celebrate with my nephew and his family,with some chicken and waffles! Gramma is better, and I get to come home. I am a little apprehensive, as dad was out of state also...I hope the house hasn't burned down, or worse, I hope they didn't forget to put the garbage cans out!
home again, and doing quite well. So we had to celebrate with my nephew and his family,with some chicken and waffles! Gramma is better, and I get to come home. I am a little apprehensive, as dad was out of state also...I hope the house hasn't burned down, or worse, I hope they didn't forget to put the garbage cans out!
Andrew's Birthday Dinner
Andrew's requested dinner was Croque Madam and a chocolate swirl cheesecake. I over cooked the eggs,and under heated the sauce, so the meal was both overcooked and cold simultaneously...quite a feat on my part. The cheesecake was mediocre at best, but I don't really like cheesecake, so I am not the best one to judge. The boys all pronounced the meal great ( so nice), and dad missed the whole thing. Now Isaac is up to pick a birthday dinner, except I ran out of state to take care of gramma...so he will have longer to decide what he wants.
Saturday, August 9, 2014
In The Box
Schnitzel has been acting very sick. So far the theories have been: rat poison (don't ask), pancreatitis, a bad tooth and a slipped disc. After blood work which was normal, the vet settled on a slipped disc, since his X-rays "possibly" looked bad. So he is confined to his box for a week, he isn't supposed to even be WALKING...I don't know how we are supposed to accomplish that! He is so sad, I think he thinks he is being punished...poor baby
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Piroshky for Dinner
Dad brought home piroshky for dinner, from the little Russian deli on the first floor of his office building. They are so delicious and pretty too.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
A Birthday Bash
sweet and sour and sesame chicken
The birthday boy
The present
Two brothers
It is Jack's 16th birthday!, I cannot believe that my youngest child is 16, this does not seem possible. He requested "asian food", so vague, and a berry cobbler. The problem was, he requested the berry cobbler at 11 am, and that thing has to cook all day, so I completely cheated and bought this beautiful berry cream pie at Costco. It is Costco sized, which means big enough to feed a crowd, or just my family, it is just so pretty. I myself do not like berries, I would have preferred some sort of chocolate bomb of a dessert, but it was not MY birthday. The pie was a complete success, everyone (not me), loved it. For his present, Jack got a bow and arrow, which he has been requesting for years and years. He is so happy, and now Dad wants one too. It was such a fun day,and now I have three boys who are all 16!
Sunday, July 13, 2014
First Communion!

Maggie is the last one of her generation in the family to make this sacrament. As her godmother, I was so happy to be there, but I wish Ted could have been here too. The priest proclaimed it "good" when she received. Welcome to the supper of the Lamb my dear.
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